Monday, August 06, 2007

Alright for reals this time

Everyone think back to way before summer started when I asked you to send me your five favorite sketches for me to upload on Youtube. I believe only two or three did. I think one was Kevin. I think another may have been Talia. Anyway, I am going to upload some videos to Youtube but Dave and I talked about it a while ago (and unless he has different thoughts now) what we decided is that instead of uploading everything we've done, we should do a best of. Soooo... without further a doo doo (tee hee), please post your five favorite sketches/videos to upload. I don't have a list of what ones I have to upload since my external hd is not with me at the moment, but I'll take a look at the consensus and put the top five that people vote on. And please don't forget to answer what part of megatron you are. That is importent.


Kev!n said...

Wolf, Island, MilkMan, Friendship

e said...

The sketches I'd want to see again weren't taped i.e. the first two sketch shows and the damos island sketch.


Talia said...




island sketch :(

DaveThom said...

My sketches i would choose are already up on internetz or were not filmed. :-3I

russell said...

let's just make really baller sketches this semester, film them, and put them up.


DaveThom said...

i second russell's suggestion.