Moujan's earlier post has inspired the jericho! Blog's First Creative Writing Prompt. Yay Moujan! You get a cookie (inquire later). Here is the prompt:
CBS, through their broadcasting super powers, has decided to cancel jericho! Improv. What would you do to change CBS's mind? Write a letter to CBS in protest to make sure jericho! comes back next semester.
Remember to post your entry in the comment of this post rather than starting a new post. Last call for entrees is 11:59pm Wednesday night. Good luck everyone!
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To whom it may concern:
CBS, I know we haven't really gotten off to the right foot seeing that I dedicated my entire life to the GODLY syndicate that is NBC. While many shows on CBS such as "Armed and Famous," "The King of Queens, and "Tuesday Night Book Club" have come and gone, NBC has provided me with lovable staples of "Scrubs," "Seinfield," and "SNL".
However CBS, your decision to cancel jericho! Improv has gone too far. At long last, you finally have an entertaining comedy show that's filled with an eccentric and lovable class and you decide to tank it. I do believe I speak for society as a whole when I ask you, "What the fuck are you doing?"
jericho! Improv was your gift from the great heaven above that would pull CBS out of it's crap hole it now lies in thanks to blunderous shows like "Yes, dear." But instead of rejoicing and milking this dairy cow for what it's worth, you send it prematurely to the slaughter house!
I don't know what would be worse: jericho! Improv troupe never forming or CBS being incredibly dumb as fuck to break up one of UC Berkeley's most entertaining comedy troupes.
However, I do know this. CBS, you have the chance to save jericho!. You have the chance to bring us the group that entertains millions of families worldwide. CBS, please bring it back.
Loyal watcher of jericho!,
Hey you,
Remember How I Met Your Mother, and our Criminal Minds just kind of clicked? There was this one night she invited me up to The Unit for some Shark. Her darling little Cane made of elephant tusk and cat hair was leaning on the sofa as she opened the door holding a Cold Case of mike's hard lemonade.
The Amazing Race to the lobby was to catch the All-Star package of The Big Bang Theory from her new and improved Courier 2.0. He was such a sweetie, and by that I mean a little man. Your humble mother exclaimed, "Well now I have Two and a Half men in my presence!"
"Yes sugar," I griningly replied, "Because i'm the one, and he's the half."
I asked her if she wanted to go on one of those New Adventures with Old Christine down the hall in 202, but she wanted the night to be just about us two. I shrugged my shoulders with a half smile on my face. She said she couldn't get straight all these Numb3rs that covered the mailbox combos, so she accidently broke into old Christine's. She got caught. I told her that The Young and the Restless always live on the edge, and in this Kid Nation, only she knows the Rules of Engagement. What she did was justified, and I told her I'd protect her like I did the Butcher down on Main Street. He is now a Survivor, Fuji apples won't ever get him down as long as I'm around.
She told me she felt more secure with her Guiding Light illuminating her path.
I'll be honest- the bank heist down on Jasper Road was us. She put her precious little eye patch on and became the Pirate Master. I put my cheetah paws on because the Creature Comforts her. She said you never got the jist of that.
Anyways, we vanished Without A Trace as we learned to do so in The Class of The Ghost Whisperer. He knows the ways of speaking to the dead, as well as recruiting their help to clean up his traces after a violent homocide. I highly reccommend it, I mean The Price is Right, I don't know if the ethics are.
But yeah, we decided we would have a little pre-bank-heist luncheon. The Bold and the Beautiful terrace she built with her bare hands reminds me of the way she was...before the cancer. She told me of going to CSI concerts in New York annd Miami. So, in honor of her revived youthfulness, we played Bridge. Yes, she really is the King of Queens. She taught me an important lesson that night...As The World Turns, future becomes past, and if people say to forget the past, and you are destined for great things, then are you forgetting that those great things that reflect your supreme potential are supposed to even happen? Then would you even pursue such great things? Would you then leave a happy life?
Basically CBS, what I'm saying is that you really hit close to home with this whole "cancelling" of jericho!. It not only tears me apart, but think of your mother. She enjoyed the laughs, the cookies and milk, and the balloons. Even the Daytime Homepage on her internet browser was a jericho! banner. She had her in-home nurse, Laughlin, record all of our shows twice! All I can say is Viva Laughlin!
But really CBS. I love you, I feel like I'm a part of you, like we're brothers. We can totally quit teaching underprivileged hispanic youth the art of mimery if it's a strain on the budget. Just please, please...PLEASE don't cancel the show. On behalf of the welfare of the universe, we thank you for your generous support and continuation of a legacy.
Dear CBS,
1.Constantly Be Suckin'
2.Crap Based Shows
3.Cool telelevion!! But I am actually Sarcastic.
4.Children: Be Sad!
5.Cobra Bites would be a perfect Substitue for this poor programming.
6.Clumps of Bear Shit
7.CBS!? Boring! Let us commit Suicide together.
8.Crucifiction. Beelzebub. Satan.
9.CSI is like other products by Jerry Bruckheimer. Lots of flashy images and high production values, but in the end unsuccessful due to poor characters and dumb plot twists. Watch out for that QuickSand, Robo-Dog!
10.Cancerous Broadcats of Sin
I hope I made my point.
Nobody can beat Dave's.
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